About Breyer Horses
Breyer Reeves is probably one of the most popular brands of model horses. A large proportion of the horses you will see as you travel around this website are Breyer model horses. Breyer is an American company and they produce original finish models predominantly in plastic although some resin and china models are also available.
You can learn more about Breyer models here:
Breyer model horses started life as Breyer Modelling Company in the United States. In the 1950s they produced their first ever model horse, the Western Horse. The model was a request from F.W. Woolworth Company who wanted to produce a clock with a horse over the top. Following the production of the clock requests started to come in for just the horse and Breyer Model Horses was born. They now produce hundreds of different brands in six different scales. As well as model horses they have a huge range of accessories, tack, dolls, toys, ornaments and other animals. They even produce homeware and gifts such as blankets and mugs.
In the 1970s Breyer was acquired by Reeves International. This company own a variety of different toy brands as well as Breyer and also act as distributor for CollectA in the USA where they are sold as 'CollectA by Breyer'.
The vast majority of Breyer model horses are produced in china where they are painted by hand. Their range varies from standard regular run models, made in the tens of thousands to special run and one of a kind pieces. They have a huge collector base and run a variety of different collector's clubs which have changed over the years.
Each year Breyer also runs the largest model horse convention, BreyerFest, in Kentucky, USA. This hugely popular event attracts thousands of fans and collectors from all over the world and sees special run models, real horse displays and model horse events.
You can learn more about Breyer models here:
Breyer model horses started life as Breyer Modelling Company in the United States. In the 1950s they produced their first ever model horse, the Western Horse. The model was a request from F.W. Woolworth Company who wanted to produce a clock with a horse over the top. Following the production of the clock requests started to come in for just the horse and Breyer Model Horses was born. They now produce hundreds of different brands in six different scales. As well as model horses they have a huge range of accessories, tack, dolls, toys, ornaments and other animals. They even produce homeware and gifts such as blankets and mugs.
In the 1970s Breyer was acquired by Reeves International. This company own a variety of different toy brands as well as Breyer and also act as distributor for CollectA in the USA where they are sold as 'CollectA by Breyer'.
The vast majority of Breyer model horses are produced in china where they are painted by hand. Their range varies from standard regular run models, made in the tens of thousands to special run and one of a kind pieces. They have a huge collector base and run a variety of different collector's clubs which have changed over the years.
Each year Breyer also runs the largest model horse convention, BreyerFest, in Kentucky, USA. This hugely popular event attracts thousands of fans and collectors from all over the world and sees special run models, real horse displays and model horse events.

#712091 Commander
The Different Ranges
#5904 - Grey Standardbred - Part of the Stablemates range
Breyers are sold over a wide range of different ranges and scales. Their ranges are split by scale and type and vary each year. As well as simple ranges such as Traditionals there are also ranges such as the Best of British Range that feature models across a variety of scales to a particular theme.
Traditional scale model horses are produced in 1:9 scale (this means they are about a ninth of the size of a real horse).
This is the first of the ranges of models that Breyer produced and still prove to be one of their most popular. Traditional scale model horses are produced over a large variety of different moulds with at least three new moulds being released each year as part of the Premier Club.
As well as a huge selection of model horses there are also a wide variety of compatible tack, accessories and dolls.
These are the second largest scale of model horses Breyer produce.
Classic scale model horses are produced in around 1:12 scale. This makes them the third largest scale that Breyer produce.
The first Classic scale models were produced during the 1960s. The Rearing Stallion and the Bucking Bronco then led to the production of the Chris Hess models in 1973.
There are now a large variety of Classics models. There is usually at least one new mould a year with the Horse of the Year range which is released as a regular run.
As well as Classic models there are also lots of props and accessories. These are often sold as gift sets but can also be purchased in smaller sets (such as a doll & tack). There are a variety of different animals that suit this scale.
Littlebits/Paddock Pal
Originally known as Littlebits and then rebranded as Paddock Pals these models are around 1:24 scale (they are actually a bit larger than this).
They were first produced in 1983 and come in a small selection of different moulds.
The models are produced both as individuals and also sold in sets with tack and accessories.
Paddock Pals haven't been produced as a range for several years. The only Paddock Pals you can currently purchase as part of the Breyer range are part of a painting set.
Stablemate model horses are small but highly collectable and are very popular. They are approximately 1:32 scale and are the second smallest range of models Breyer produce.
Stablemates were first introduced in 1975 and sculpted by Maureen Love.
Stablemates are designated by their generation, there are currently four generations of Stablemates. G1's produced in 1975, G2 produced in 1998, G3 produced from 2005-2007 and the G4 moulds introduced from 2010 onwards. The G2, G3 and G4 Stablemates all make up the current ranges but the G1 moulds are usually only found as part of special runs.
Stablemates are sold both individually and as part of gift sets. The gift sets often feature plastic tack, riders and accessories.
Mini Whinnie
Mini Whinnies are the smallest range of model horses Breyer produce. They are approximately 1:64 scale.
The Mini Whinnie models were introduced into the Breyer range in 2005 and are based on the original Winner's Choice moulds produced by another company.
The models are sold as part of gift sets with packets and carrying handles (they can also be found in other scale gift sets such as the Pyjama Party set). The sets either contain a selection of horses or some horses with accessories. They often also include a playmat.
Breyer recently introduced the Mini Whinnie Surprise bags. There are now several different generations of bags available. These bags are sold blind and contain one Mini Whinnie and a Sticker. One model in each box (48) is a special chase model.
1:6 Scale Foals
In 2014 Breyer introduced a new 1:6 scale foal sculpture. The Springtime Foal (known affectionately by collectors as Foalzilla) is the largest scale of model horses Breyer produce.
This range consists of one mould, Camila, which has been produced in four different regular run colours so far (as of 2018).
Breyer produce a selection of ranges for different holidays most notably the Christmas and Halloween collections.
The first Breyer Holiday Horse was produced in 1997. Snowball the Christmas Pony was a cute grey pony on the Haflinger mould and had a ribbon around his neck with a little bow saying 'Merry Christmas'. Since then Breyer have produced a new Holiday (or Christmas) horse every year.
As well as the main model the Breyer Holiday Collections also include a large variety of ornaments, snow globes and gift sets. Now each year as well as the Holiday Horse there are usually at least six other new items. One of the most popular elements to this range are the racehorse ornaments sculpted by the UK's very own Donna Chaney.
In 2001 Breyer started its Halloween collection. These models have been produced on and off every year since. Each model has a spooky pattern and many feature unusual things such as glow in the dark paint, lights or sound effects!
As well as solid model horses Breyer also produce a range of Plush horses.
This range was first introduced as part of the Holiday range in 2001 with a little Plush horse in a stocking. The next year a larger variety of plush horses were produced and they have been made ever since. They are now made in a variety of different sizes and even feature a special BreyerFest plush each year.
Other Animals
Non-equine moulds have been produced as part of the Breyer range for almost as long as the model horses themselves.
As well as a selection of companion animals that are perfect for gift sets Breyer also produce an incredibly collectable range of bulls. The animals are sold both individually and in gift sets.
There are numerous rare and special run animals. Each year at BreyerFest a non-equine special run is produced that is just as popular as the equines.
Pocket Box
Breyer introduced the Pocket Box range in 2016. It now contains a selection of different animal based ranges including dogs and cats.
The Breyer Pocket Box models are sold in mystery blind bags. In each bag you get two models, a sticker and an accessory in a tiny little box. Their ranges do include a horse and zebra as part of the 'Animals' range.
TV & Film
Over the years Breyer have worked in conjunction with different television and film agencies to produce a wide variety of models to coincide with releases.
These have varied from Seabiscuit, to Silver to Spirit (both the original and modern remake).
These models are highly collectable both to model horse enthusiasts but also fans of the show. As well as model horses there may be gift sets and plush available.
The Breyer Gallery range is designed as a higher class selection of models produced in china, porcelain and resin. The models vary in scale.
Pieces often feature a fixed rider and tack in a pose, these have varied from depictions of Show Jumping to portraits of real models such as American Pharoah.
As well as the standard range there are a variety of ranges within the gallery range. These include things such as the Crystalworks Collection which are clear in colour and are smaller crystal versions of popular Breyer moulds.
These models are more fragile than regular Breyers and are designed to sit on shelves rather than playmats!
Breyer produce a wide variety of different craft kits and products and have done so for decades.
Many of these kits introduce younger hobbyists to certain aspects of the hobby such as customising or tack making. Other kits may just be a bit of craft fun, such as Colour and Cut books or colouring books.
Many craft kits include blank model horses. These models are great for customising but do still require some prep work to give a proper finish. Recently Breyer also introduced clear models known as Suncatchers which create a unique effect when painted.
The Clubs
Just About Horses is a magazine produced by Breyer dating back to 1975. It is now produced on a yearly basis and is sent to Collector's Club members as part of their subscription.
In 2001 as part of this magazine Breyer introduced the Connoisseur collection. These are special run models produced in a run of 350 and offered as part of a raffle to club members. This is the foundation of the Collector's club special runs we see today. The last Connoisseur model was produced in 2011.
Collector's Club
In 2012 Breyer introduced its Collector's Club program. This program replaced the JAH Connoisseur collection.
The Collector's Club program involves signing up through the Breyer USA website. Member's are given the option to purchase at least one special run model each year. There are usually a variety of other web specials that member's can purchase, from gambler's choice to pre-purchase chances.
As well as these larger run models Breyer also produce web special limited editions. These models are produced in limited runs (usually around 250) and are allocated on a lottery basis. These are usually produced as part of a series such as the Big Cat series.
Collector's Club members also get a discount on regular run models and the chance to attend a special collectors event each year (again tickets are sold on a lottery basis).
In order to be a member of the clubs below you need to be a member of the collectors club.
Premier Club
The Breyer Premier Club was introduced in 2012. This new club features the chance to purchase three brand new moulds each year.
Member's must purchase each of the three models in order to have the chance to purchase the next ones. If each model is purchased then the member will receive a free Stablemate.
Occasionally there is also the chance to purchase a 'blind bag'. Members could also win the first model produced sent on a wood base.
There are unlimited memberships available each year and it isn't known how many of each model has actually been produced.
Vintage Club
Introduced in 2012 the Vintage Club gives members the chance to purchase new models on vintage moulds as well as new moulds in vintage colours.
There are four standard models produced each year. Members must purchase each model in order to be able to purchase subsequent models. If all four models are paid for the member will receive a free Stablemate.
There is usually also the chance to purchase one 'extra' model each year. This is not part of the scheme and not buying it will not effect your membership.
There are a variety of other offers throughout the year including blind bags and rarer run models.
There are only 500 Vintage Club memberships available each year and each of the special runs is only produced in a run of 500.
Stablemate Club
In 2016 Breyer introduced its Stablemate Collector's Club. This offers members the chance to purchase six new models a year including one new mould.
There are six standard models each year. One is a gambler's choice and one is a new mould. As with other clubs the member must purchase the models in order to purchase future models.
International members have a slightly different membership, instead of purchasing a model every two months they purchase every six months. They usually receive a shipment of three horses in June and December.
There are unlimited memberships available and it is not exactly known how many of each model is produced.
Traditional scale model horses are produced in 1:9 scale (this means they are about a ninth of the size of a real horse).
This is the first of the ranges of models that Breyer produced and still prove to be one of their most popular. Traditional scale model horses are produced over a large variety of different moulds with at least three new moulds being released each year as part of the Premier Club.
As well as a huge selection of model horses there are also a wide variety of compatible tack, accessories and dolls.
These are the second largest scale of model horses Breyer produce.
Classic scale model horses are produced in around 1:12 scale. This makes them the third largest scale that Breyer produce.
The first Classic scale models were produced during the 1960s. The Rearing Stallion and the Bucking Bronco then led to the production of the Chris Hess models in 1973.
There are now a large variety of Classics models. There is usually at least one new mould a year with the Horse of the Year range which is released as a regular run.
As well as Classic models there are also lots of props and accessories. These are often sold as gift sets but can also be purchased in smaller sets (such as a doll & tack). There are a variety of different animals that suit this scale.
Littlebits/Paddock Pal
Originally known as Littlebits and then rebranded as Paddock Pals these models are around 1:24 scale (they are actually a bit larger than this).
They were first produced in 1983 and come in a small selection of different moulds.
The models are produced both as individuals and also sold in sets with tack and accessories.
Paddock Pals haven't been produced as a range for several years. The only Paddock Pals you can currently purchase as part of the Breyer range are part of a painting set.
Stablemate model horses are small but highly collectable and are very popular. They are approximately 1:32 scale and are the second smallest range of models Breyer produce.
Stablemates were first introduced in 1975 and sculpted by Maureen Love.
Stablemates are designated by their generation, there are currently four generations of Stablemates. G1's produced in 1975, G2 produced in 1998, G3 produced from 2005-2007 and the G4 moulds introduced from 2010 onwards. The G2, G3 and G4 Stablemates all make up the current ranges but the G1 moulds are usually only found as part of special runs.
Stablemates are sold both individually and as part of gift sets. The gift sets often feature plastic tack, riders and accessories.
Mini Whinnie
Mini Whinnies are the smallest range of model horses Breyer produce. They are approximately 1:64 scale.
The Mini Whinnie models were introduced into the Breyer range in 2005 and are based on the original Winner's Choice moulds produced by another company.
The models are sold as part of gift sets with packets and carrying handles (they can also be found in other scale gift sets such as the Pyjama Party set). The sets either contain a selection of horses or some horses with accessories. They often also include a playmat.
Breyer recently introduced the Mini Whinnie Surprise bags. There are now several different generations of bags available. These bags are sold blind and contain one Mini Whinnie and a Sticker. One model in each box (48) is a special chase model.
1:6 Scale Foals
In 2014 Breyer introduced a new 1:6 scale foal sculpture. The Springtime Foal (known affectionately by collectors as Foalzilla) is the largest scale of model horses Breyer produce.
This range consists of one mould, Camila, which has been produced in four different regular run colours so far (as of 2018).
Breyer produce a selection of ranges for different holidays most notably the Christmas and Halloween collections.
The first Breyer Holiday Horse was produced in 1997. Snowball the Christmas Pony was a cute grey pony on the Haflinger mould and had a ribbon around his neck with a little bow saying 'Merry Christmas'. Since then Breyer have produced a new Holiday (or Christmas) horse every year.
As well as the main model the Breyer Holiday Collections also include a large variety of ornaments, snow globes and gift sets. Now each year as well as the Holiday Horse there are usually at least six other new items. One of the most popular elements to this range are the racehorse ornaments sculpted by the UK's very own Donna Chaney.
In 2001 Breyer started its Halloween collection. These models have been produced on and off every year since. Each model has a spooky pattern and many feature unusual things such as glow in the dark paint, lights or sound effects!
As well as solid model horses Breyer also produce a range of Plush horses.
This range was first introduced as part of the Holiday range in 2001 with a little Plush horse in a stocking. The next year a larger variety of plush horses were produced and they have been made ever since. They are now made in a variety of different sizes and even feature a special BreyerFest plush each year.
Other Animals
Non-equine moulds have been produced as part of the Breyer range for almost as long as the model horses themselves.
As well as a selection of companion animals that are perfect for gift sets Breyer also produce an incredibly collectable range of bulls. The animals are sold both individually and in gift sets.
There are numerous rare and special run animals. Each year at BreyerFest a non-equine special run is produced that is just as popular as the equines.
Pocket Box
Breyer introduced the Pocket Box range in 2016. It now contains a selection of different animal based ranges including dogs and cats.
The Breyer Pocket Box models are sold in mystery blind bags. In each bag you get two models, a sticker and an accessory in a tiny little box. Their ranges do include a horse and zebra as part of the 'Animals' range.
TV & Film
Over the years Breyer have worked in conjunction with different television and film agencies to produce a wide variety of models to coincide with releases.
These have varied from Seabiscuit, to Silver to Spirit (both the original and modern remake).
These models are highly collectable both to model horse enthusiasts but also fans of the show. As well as model horses there may be gift sets and plush available.
The Breyer Gallery range is designed as a higher class selection of models produced in china, porcelain and resin. The models vary in scale.
Pieces often feature a fixed rider and tack in a pose, these have varied from depictions of Show Jumping to portraits of real models such as American Pharoah.
As well as the standard range there are a variety of ranges within the gallery range. These include things such as the Crystalworks Collection which are clear in colour and are smaller crystal versions of popular Breyer moulds.
These models are more fragile than regular Breyers and are designed to sit on shelves rather than playmats!
Breyer produce a wide variety of different craft kits and products and have done so for decades.
Many of these kits introduce younger hobbyists to certain aspects of the hobby such as customising or tack making. Other kits may just be a bit of craft fun, such as Colour and Cut books or colouring books.
Many craft kits include blank model horses. These models are great for customising but do still require some prep work to give a proper finish. Recently Breyer also introduced clear models known as Suncatchers which create a unique effect when painted.
The Clubs
Just About Horses is a magazine produced by Breyer dating back to 1975. It is now produced on a yearly basis and is sent to Collector's Club members as part of their subscription.
In 2001 as part of this magazine Breyer introduced the Connoisseur collection. These are special run models produced in a run of 350 and offered as part of a raffle to club members. This is the foundation of the Collector's club special runs we see today. The last Connoisseur model was produced in 2011.
Collector's Club
In 2012 Breyer introduced its Collector's Club program. This program replaced the JAH Connoisseur collection.
The Collector's Club program involves signing up through the Breyer USA website. Member's are given the option to purchase at least one special run model each year. There are usually a variety of other web specials that member's can purchase, from gambler's choice to pre-purchase chances.
As well as these larger run models Breyer also produce web special limited editions. These models are produced in limited runs (usually around 250) and are allocated on a lottery basis. These are usually produced as part of a series such as the Big Cat series.
Collector's Club members also get a discount on regular run models and the chance to attend a special collectors event each year (again tickets are sold on a lottery basis).
In order to be a member of the clubs below you need to be a member of the collectors club.
Premier Club
The Breyer Premier Club was introduced in 2012. This new club features the chance to purchase three brand new moulds each year.
Member's must purchase each of the three models in order to have the chance to purchase the next ones. If each model is purchased then the member will receive a free Stablemate.
Occasionally there is also the chance to purchase a 'blind bag'. Members could also win the first model produced sent on a wood base.
There are unlimited memberships available each year and it isn't known how many of each model has actually been produced.
Vintage Club
Introduced in 2012 the Vintage Club gives members the chance to purchase new models on vintage moulds as well as new moulds in vintage colours.
There are four standard models produced each year. Members must purchase each model in order to be able to purchase subsequent models. If all four models are paid for the member will receive a free Stablemate.
There is usually also the chance to purchase one 'extra' model each year. This is not part of the scheme and not buying it will not effect your membership.
There are a variety of other offers throughout the year including blind bags and rarer run models.
There are only 500 Vintage Club memberships available each year and each of the special runs is only produced in a run of 500.
Stablemate Club
In 2016 Breyer introduced its Stablemate Collector's Club. This offers members the chance to purchase six new models a year including one new mould.
There are six standard models each year. One is a gambler's choice and one is a new mould. As with other clubs the member must purchase the models in order to purchase future models.
International members have a slightly different membership, instead of purchasing a model every two months they purchase every six months. They usually receive a shipment of three horses in June and December.
There are unlimited memberships available and it is not exactly known how many of each model is produced.

#707 Cefnoakpark Bouncer
Props & Accessories
Breyer produce a very large range of props and accessories to accompany their model horses. These are available over nearly all of the sizes and there is huge variety in what you can order.
Breyer tack is mass produced and is mainly designed for play. They do, however, regularly produce more expensive sets designed for collectors and showers. Breyer tack is great for novice showers and can be modified to fit your horses slightly better.
Tack is made both in English and Western styles as well as other styles. As well as saddles, bridles and accessories there is a large range of rugs that can help to keep the dust off your model horses.
Breyer have been producing dolls for many years. These can be purchased both individually and as part of gift sets. The dolls come in a variety of different styles both for riding and for working around the yard.
A few years ago Breyer introduced a new style of head for their dolls. This new head has a more cartoony appearance and was designed to appeal to younger collectors. These are less popular with collectors and showers meaning that older dolls can be sort after for those who wish to customise them to a new look.
As well as dolls and tack Breyer produce a huge variety of different props in all scales. Many of these items are sold individually and nearly everything you need for your yard is produced.
The Breyer stables are made of either wood or plastic and are great for play or to be customised for a more realistic scene. You can get a large selection of accessories for your stables from fencing to miniature horse muck! You can even get mini flies and horse balls.
For those who are looking for performance pieces there have been a wide variety of jumps produced over the years for various different styles of riding. There are also a selection of Western performance props including barrels, cones and ground poles.
All the Breyer props, tack and dolls can be modified for a more realistic finish.
Breyer tack is mass produced and is mainly designed for play. They do, however, regularly produce more expensive sets designed for collectors and showers. Breyer tack is great for novice showers and can be modified to fit your horses slightly better.
Tack is made both in English and Western styles as well as other styles. As well as saddles, bridles and accessories there is a large range of rugs that can help to keep the dust off your model horses.
Breyer have been producing dolls for many years. These can be purchased both individually and as part of gift sets. The dolls come in a variety of different styles both for riding and for working around the yard.
A few years ago Breyer introduced a new style of head for their dolls. This new head has a more cartoony appearance and was designed to appeal to younger collectors. These are less popular with collectors and showers meaning that older dolls can be sort after for those who wish to customise them to a new look.
As well as dolls and tack Breyer produce a huge variety of different props in all scales. Many of these items are sold individually and nearly everything you need for your yard is produced.
The Breyer stables are made of either wood or plastic and are great for play or to be customised for a more realistic scene. You can get a large selection of accessories for your stables from fencing to miniature horse muck! You can even get mini flies and horse balls.
For those who are looking for performance pieces there have been a wide variety of jumps produced over the years for various different styles of riding. There are also a selection of Western performance props including barrels, cones and ground poles.
All the Breyer props, tack and dolls can be modified for a more realistic finish.

#700119 Woodland Splendor
Other Animals
As well as the horses Breyer also produce a large range of model animals. Breyer have been producing other animals as part of their range for almost the same time as they have been producing horses. In 1999 they introduced the companion animals range which allowed collectors to buy animals individually to accompany their Breyers.
As well as being produced as part of their regular range both individually and in gift sets there have also been a wide variety of special run other animals. Each year at BreyerFest there is one special run that is a non-equine and they are just as popular as the horses.
As well as being produced as part of their regular range both individually and in gift sets there have also been a wide variety of special run other animals. Each year at BreyerFest there is one special run that is a non-equine and they are just as popular as the horses.

#5705 American Spotted Draft
Where to Buy
Breyer model horses are a very popular brand and can be purchased all over the world.
The official Breyer website can be found at:
Breyers can also be purchased from local dealers online in your own country (including here at Chestnut Ridge).
They can also be found in retail 'brick and morter' stores, although this is more common in the USA than other countries. Most live shows also have a Breyer dealer in attendance as well as many second hand models for sale.
Finally you can find second hand models for sale on specialist sites such as Model Horse Sales Pages and Facebook groups as well as eBay.
The official Breyer website can be found at:
Breyers can also be purchased from local dealers online in your own country (including here at Chestnut Ridge).
They can also be found in retail 'brick and morter' stores, although this is more common in the USA than other countries. Most live shows also have a Breyer dealer in attendance as well as many second hand models for sale.
Finally you can find second hand models for sale on specialist sites such as Model Horse Sales Pages and Facebook groups as well as eBay.

Dulce de Leche
Breyers for Sale
Below is a small assortment of some of the Breyer horses we have for sale on our website. Although we are based in the UK we ship worldwide. Chestnut Ridge has been a trusted model horse supplier for over 11 years.
To view all of our items for sale please click here.
To view all of our items for sale please click here.