Tack/Prop Making Competitions
Just as with customising there is a wealth of tack and prop making competitions out there that you can enter. Some of these may have themes whilst other may be open to any form of entries. These can be a fun opportunity to try new skills and learn new techniques. As with customising competitions they are a great chance to push yourself and learn a new skill.

Tack making competitions are a great chance to challenge yourself and learn new skills
Types of Contest
There are two main types of competitions, those that give you free rein to create whatever you like and those that are more prescriptive about what you can create. Both can be really fun to enter and a great chance to challenge yourself to learn new skills. Not all competitions will come with prizes, sometimes the best reward is challenging yourself and learning something new.
If you are entering an open competition, that either has a loose theme or allows you to create a piece of your choice think about how you can create something a bit different that stands out. Themed competitions can be great fun as they allow you to think about how you can fit an often unusual theme into a piece of functional tack. Whatever you create remember it has to work as a tack piece and creating something that is both functional and beautiful is a real skill.
Some competitions can be more prescriptive. My favourites are competitions that give you a base pattern to work with from which you have to create a miniature piece of tack. This puts everyone on a basic level playing field and then challenges you to rework and modify the pattern to create something that is very unique. Equally some competitions may ask you to create a certain piece of tack, such as an English bridle, but allow you freedom within that to create anything you like. These competitions really allow for a huge amount of creativity and I'm always amazed at how people manage to take something so simple and make it look so beautiful.
If you are stuck for inspiration then real horse tack is a good place to start. Websites such as Pinterest are full of images of weird and wonderful tack in every colour under the sun. Just be aware that you need to create something that is unique to you, not just copy someone else's design in miniature and think about how you can make something that fits your theme.
If you are entering an open competition, that either has a loose theme or allows you to create a piece of your choice think about how you can create something a bit different that stands out. Themed competitions can be great fun as they allow you to think about how you can fit an often unusual theme into a piece of functional tack. Whatever you create remember it has to work as a tack piece and creating something that is both functional and beautiful is a real skill.
Some competitions can be more prescriptive. My favourites are competitions that give you a base pattern to work with from which you have to create a miniature piece of tack. This puts everyone on a basic level playing field and then challenges you to rework and modify the pattern to create something that is very unique. Equally some competitions may ask you to create a certain piece of tack, such as an English bridle, but allow you freedom within that to create anything you like. These competitions really allow for a huge amount of creativity and I'm always amazed at how people manage to take something so simple and make it look so beautiful.
If you are stuck for inspiration then real horse tack is a good place to start. Websites such as Pinterest are full of images of weird and wonderful tack in every colour under the sun. Just be aware that you need to create something that is unique to you, not just copy someone else's design in miniature and think about how you can make something that fits your theme.

If you are stuck for inspiration look online at real horse tack
Common Competitions
Below is a list of common competitions that are run on a fairly regular basis and you may like to enter.
National Model Tack Month - This is run in April each year. It doesn't have any prizes but the reward of challenging yourself to create something new and awesome should be enough
MEPSA Tack & Prop Making Contest - Held almost every year this is a great chance to raise money for the model horse photo showing association.
BMECS Best UK Tack Maker - Held at BMECS each year, usually with a theme, you do not need to be an entrant or have qualified the piece to take part.
BMECS Best UK Doll/Prop Maker - Held at BMECS each year, usually with a theme, you do not need to be an entrant or have qualified the piece to take part.
National Model Tack Month - This is run in April each year. It doesn't have any prizes but the reward of challenging yourself to create something new and awesome should be enough
MEPSA Tack & Prop Making Contest - Held almost every year this is a great chance to raise money for the model horse photo showing association.
BMECS Best UK Tack Maker - Held at BMECS each year, usually with a theme, you do not need to be an entrant or have qualified the piece to take part.
BMECS Best UK Doll/Prop Maker - Held at BMECS each year, usually with a theme, you do not need to be an entrant or have qualified the piece to take part.