The Live Show

About the Scene

The Live Show Scene was created in early 2018.

This is something I had been planning to do for years and like all my scenes it started with a simple sketch in my sketch book. I wanted to aim for a level of obsessive detail that meant you noticed new things everytime you looked. I also wanted some flexibility so that once the serious showing was over I could have some fun with it.

The scene is 1:12 scale, the dolls are either dolls house dolls or action figures. I already had the Walking Dead doll and then purchased the Dr. Who ones from eBay. These dolls are good as they have casual modern dress but also flexible joints that mean you can position them in different poses. They are also 1:12 scale.

The horses are all model railway horses. They were either purchased painted or cheaply unpainted from china (you can buy bags of 50 for a few pounds online). There are three different sizes and a variety of different moulds. The unpainted ones were all painted by myself. It was one of the most time consuming parts of the scene!

The scene has a schedule based on a real live show. All the details match. The results sheets, certificates and BMECS cards all have the same show name on. The class in the ring makes sense when compared to the schedule (this is 'Other American' in case you are curious).

The scene only shows half the hall. It is assumed that there are another two rings and more entrants further along. It is essentially a cut through. To make a whole hall would have been excessively large!

The Creation

The below slide show shows some in progress shots as well as shots of the completed scene whilst on my work bench.

Like most of my scenes a large majority of the items were hand made. The scene is 1:12 scale which means model railway horses were perfect. I used a lot of printables that were available free online as well as making my own (things like show lists and BMECS cards).

Some of the purchased items were sources directly for this scene (such as the dolls, tables and chairs) and some were things I already owned (such as the plates, cola bottles and crisps).

Like all things the scene is constantly evolving. I plan to have some fun with it in 2019 and use it for amusement rather than serious showing...check back in for more details next year (and some really bizarre pictures).
Starting work on the wall displays - pretty much all village halls have play group displays!

In the Show Ring

At the time of writing the scene had been shown twice. My aim with all my scenes is to show them until they have qualified and then put them away until BMECS. I showed this scene first at a non-qualifier show and it qualified at the second show.

It is worth noting that the second show I took it to was a specialist American show. I therefore had to make a minor adjustment to make it 'American' - see if you can spot that!

Show Results

Copperfox Tour Gloucester 2018 - 1st Place; Reserve Performance Champion
Recycled Live I 2018: 1st Place; Performance Champion; Reserve Supreme Champion
Copperfox Gloucestershire Tour 2018 - 1st Place Scene