Julie's Story
Who could ever imagine such a sweet and innocent face would be capable of such mischief!
Julie is a very innocent looking donkey, if such a thing ever exists. A sweet little grey jenny she spends most of her time stood in the field casually grazing. Occasionally she is taken out for a drive and has even been used to carry hay down to the horses in winter, but generally she seems to just enjoy existing in her own quiet little world, receiving the odd cuddle from a passing horse owner.
But looks can be deceiving, as often they are when it comes to the naughtiest of creatures. To many Julie is just the calm and reliable yard donkey. A slightly strange addition to the herd but a perfectly nice one. But to those who know her she is the naughty little creature who once almost ruined a wedding.
Josie yawned as she rolled out of bed. She had hardly slept the night before, she was far too excited! It was her wedding day and that hadn’t quite sunk in yet.
“Morning sunshine” her mum breezed into the room carrying a tray of croissants, juice and a warm cup of tea.
“It’s the big day today, now you need to be up and ready for the hair woman at 9am and remember the cake is being delivered at around 8.30am so please make sure you are decent by then, and then hopefully you will be in your dress and at the church for 11am sharp, now what have I forgotten?”
Josie stared at her mother and took a sip of tea. Within moments she heard the running of small feet up the stairs as her younger sister ran into the room and leapt onto the bed.
“I CANNOT WAIT TO WEAR MY DRESS” she screamed at her sister before grabbing a croissant and running out again singing as she skipped down the landing.
Her mother followed after her shouting to make sure that she behaved and to please not run and no don’t touch that you’ll break it. Josie laughed to herself and she slipped out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown.
She had been waiting for this day for so long and couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle but it seemed that even now, on the day there was so much to do, so much planning and organisation, she couldn’t turn her back for a second or everything would fall apart.
But first off she had to make sure she had seen to the animals, she headed out the back door quietly so her mother wouldn’t here and slipped on her wellies. As she trudged down to the yard she smiled, lapping in the early morning sunshine and revelling in the normality of her morning routine.
Her two horses and three donkeys all seemed fine and happy in their fields. She checked the levels on the water trough and handed a carrot to Julie, a lovely little grey donkey jenny that she had recently purchased.
“You just think it’s another normal day don’t you” she said as she stroked her neck. She tried not to let anxiety well up inside her, it felt like suddenly everything had hit and she really didn’t feel ready. Maybe I just need a quick cuddle she thought to herself and slipped through the gate and off to see her beautiful bay mare, Duchess. Duchess looked as pleased as ever to see her and barely noticed as she threw her arms around her neck and buried her head into the familiar fur.
She loved Patrick, she knew that, but it didn’t stop her from questioning whether she had made the right decision. Slowly a quick tear formed as she realised her life would never quite be the same again.
“JOSIE” her mother screamed from the kitchen “where are you??? The cake has arrived and you need to be here getting ready, come on!”
Josie quickly ran back to the house pulling the gate behind her as she did. She heard the familiar clatter as it fell into place and continued to run up to the house to see her mother.
“Come, come, come, come, there is so much to do, come on, your father can see to the animals, speaking of which where is your father, I asked him to put up some bunting an hour ago, DAVID, DAVID WHERE ARE YOU?” her mother shouted as she whisked her daughter into the bathroom and seemed as if she would personally wash her before she rushed out of the door to deal with yet another person that had appeared at their house.
Alone in the bathroom Josie stared at herself in the mirror. Pull yourself together! She said out loud as she began to wash her hands and face. She scrubbed her nails hard, removing as much dirt and mud as she could, she never had been good at this beauty thing.
“JOSIE JOSIE THE HAIR WOMAN IS HERE” her mother screamed from downstairs. Josie left the bathroom and headed into the lounge the get her hair done. She smiled as she greeted her bridesmaids one by one and took the glass of bucks fizz her father had prepared. Suddenly she felt more at ease, everything was going to be OK, she just needed to enjoy herself. After all isn’t this supposed to be the happiest day of her life?
Within an hour they were all ready and Josie was being helped into her dress by three bridesmaids and her mother. She had no idea how she would use the toilet or how she’d ever get out of it again but as she turned to look in the mirror, for the first time in a long time, she felt beautiful.
As she walked downstairs she was greeted by the photographer who ushered them outside for photographs. The whole family, bridesmaids and even a hairdresser and make up artist filled the front garden as people fussed and moved around and photographs were taken. After around 10 attempts to remove the family dog they eventually gave in and all laughed as he settled himself down for the family photograph.
At that moment an ear piercing scream ran out through the house and into the garden. “What on Earth?” Josie’s mother turned almost white as she ran towards the house, followed quickly by the entire entourage.
There in the kitchen stood the two caterers. And in the corner, by the open back door, covered in white fondant icing was Julie, the little grey donkey.
It took a moment for the reality of the situation to settle in but when it did Josie’s mother let out a cry that was most likely audible from space. Her father attempted not to laugh and Josie just stood there, completely speechless as she watched her donkey munch away on what had been her wedding cake, box and all.
“What are we going to do?!?!?” Josie’s mother screamed “Well don’t just stand there David, get this awful creature out of the house, I don’t even understand how she managed to get out of her field, o what are we going to do what are we going to do?” She hung her head in her hands and groaned silently to herself.
Knowing better than to delay Josie’s father ushered the donkey back through the front door and with a dog lead around her neck led her back into the field to join her herd.
Josie continued to stare. She wasn’t quite sure whether she wanted to cry or laugh, the whole seen was like something out of a school food fight. White buttercream covered the kitchen and bits of fondant flowers mixed with sponge and cardboard lay about on the floor.
“Right” said Josie’s mother pulling herself together “we will find a cake, don’t you worry love, we’ll get it all sorted, make sure to not mess your make up, it’s nearly time to go to the church, you must be so excited” she pushed a hair off Josie’s face and headed off armed with a laptop and the house phone.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get this cleaned up” the caterers smiled as they started to try and clean up the scene of destruction before them. If needs be we can probably source a cake locally, it won’t be the same but at least it will be something. Josie continued to stare, not really sure what to think.
Before long it was time to head to the church and Josie forgot all about the destruction in her kitchen, or the ruined cake as she said her vows. Outside the church she beamed with happiness as the photographer snapped images of her and the family.
As they walked up to the wedding cars she felt her mother grab her arm “don’t’ worry love, it’s all sorted, your uncle Steve is going down to Waitrose now to get a new cake”. It took Josie a moment to remember what had happened, she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realised she’d have to explain to Patrick how the several hundred pounds worth of wedding cake they had carefully chosen and designed had been destroyed in mere minutes by her pet donkey. Not the best start to a marriage.
As they drove back to the house the anxiety grew as she tried to figure out how she was going to break the news. Surely he would see the funny side? Her father after all had found it hilarious, maybe Patrick would too? Maybe she should just make out like it was a joke, “hey Patrick you’ll never guess what happened this morning, it was hilarious, Julie ate the wedding cake!”. In her head she pictured his face, moving from anger to disappointment to pain. She couldn’t picture him finding this very funny at all. She sunk into the chair.
“What’s up love?” Patrick said as he turned to her, “are you OK?” his face turned to concern as he held her hand, “not having regrets already are we?” he laughed.
“Something awful happened before we left” she said as she suddenly burst into tears “Julie, Julie ate the wedding cake” she wailed in the back of the car, causing the driver to check his rear view mirror to make sure all was OK.
“Whose Julie?, is she one of your cousins?” Patrick said confused.
“No, Julie, the donkey!” Josie wailed back.
Patrick took a moment to allow the news to sink it and then out of nowhere he burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny” Josie cried “she’s ruined everything”
Patrick smiled and put his arm around her, “I know the cake was important to you and I know you wanted everything to be perfect, but this day is about us, being married and as long as we have that then I don’t care if we have a half eaten cake or a full one”
As they pulled up to the house Josie wasn’t really feeling much better about the situation. At the same time she saw her uncle Steve’s car pull into the drive and watched him leap out, triumphant with several large Waitrose shopping bags.
“There she is, the beautiful bride” Josie’s mum beamed, “let’s get you a drink, Champagne? Of course Champagne it is your wedding day” she beamed at Josie as she thrust a glass into her hand before bustling off to usher guests and welcome people whom Josie was pretty sure she had never met.
At that point Steve stepped out of the house with a broad grin across his face. “Ladies and gentleman” he announced with a proud and victorious voice “I present to you, the wedding cake”. Josie felt her heart do a 360 degree turn inside her chest, she thought she would faint, what would people think, what had he bought, she felt like she wanted the whole ground to eat her up.
And then she watched, as the caterer wheeled out on a trolley a long brown cake. It took her a moment to realise what it was and when she did she burst out laughing. She could barely stand she laughed so much. Presented in front of her were four caterpillar cakes, with their ends removed to make one long cake, surrounded by butterfly cakes and sugar flowers. The whole thing looked slightly magical and slightly comical at the same time.
Within moments waves of laughter rippled around the stunned crowd as everyone realised what had happened. Josie and Patrick walked up and proudly cut their caterpillar cake before happily eating a slice. It may have been an unusual choice but it was the best choice. After all what could have summed up her personality more than a child’s birthday cake?
Despite her uncle’s last minute saving of the situation Josie was still not particularly happy with Julie when she went out to the paddock in the afternoon sun to say goodbye before they headed off on honeymoon. And as she pulled the gate shut behind her she turned to say one last goodbye and watched, as slowly but surely, it rolled out of its lock and opened. She burst out laughing, properly securing it and winking at the innocent looking donkey who had nearly ruined her wedding.
But looks can be deceiving, as often they are when it comes to the naughtiest of creatures. To many Julie is just the calm and reliable yard donkey. A slightly strange addition to the herd but a perfectly nice one. But to those who know her she is the naughty little creature who once almost ruined a wedding.
Josie yawned as she rolled out of bed. She had hardly slept the night before, she was far too excited! It was her wedding day and that hadn’t quite sunk in yet.
“Morning sunshine” her mum breezed into the room carrying a tray of croissants, juice and a warm cup of tea.
“It’s the big day today, now you need to be up and ready for the hair woman at 9am and remember the cake is being delivered at around 8.30am so please make sure you are decent by then, and then hopefully you will be in your dress and at the church for 11am sharp, now what have I forgotten?”
Josie stared at her mother and took a sip of tea. Within moments she heard the running of small feet up the stairs as her younger sister ran into the room and leapt onto the bed.
“I CANNOT WAIT TO WEAR MY DRESS” she screamed at her sister before grabbing a croissant and running out again singing as she skipped down the landing.
Her mother followed after her shouting to make sure that she behaved and to please not run and no don’t touch that you’ll break it. Josie laughed to herself and she slipped out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown.
She had been waiting for this day for so long and couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle but it seemed that even now, on the day there was so much to do, so much planning and organisation, she couldn’t turn her back for a second or everything would fall apart.
But first off she had to make sure she had seen to the animals, she headed out the back door quietly so her mother wouldn’t here and slipped on her wellies. As she trudged down to the yard she smiled, lapping in the early morning sunshine and revelling in the normality of her morning routine.
Her two horses and three donkeys all seemed fine and happy in their fields. She checked the levels on the water trough and handed a carrot to Julie, a lovely little grey donkey jenny that she had recently purchased.
“You just think it’s another normal day don’t you” she said as she stroked her neck. She tried not to let anxiety well up inside her, it felt like suddenly everything had hit and she really didn’t feel ready. Maybe I just need a quick cuddle she thought to herself and slipped through the gate and off to see her beautiful bay mare, Duchess. Duchess looked as pleased as ever to see her and barely noticed as she threw her arms around her neck and buried her head into the familiar fur.
She loved Patrick, she knew that, but it didn’t stop her from questioning whether she had made the right decision. Slowly a quick tear formed as she realised her life would never quite be the same again.
“JOSIE” her mother screamed from the kitchen “where are you??? The cake has arrived and you need to be here getting ready, come on!”
Josie quickly ran back to the house pulling the gate behind her as she did. She heard the familiar clatter as it fell into place and continued to run up to the house to see her mother.
“Come, come, come, come, there is so much to do, come on, your father can see to the animals, speaking of which where is your father, I asked him to put up some bunting an hour ago, DAVID, DAVID WHERE ARE YOU?” her mother shouted as she whisked her daughter into the bathroom and seemed as if she would personally wash her before she rushed out of the door to deal with yet another person that had appeared at their house.
Alone in the bathroom Josie stared at herself in the mirror. Pull yourself together! She said out loud as she began to wash her hands and face. She scrubbed her nails hard, removing as much dirt and mud as she could, she never had been good at this beauty thing.
“JOSIE JOSIE THE HAIR WOMAN IS HERE” her mother screamed from downstairs. Josie left the bathroom and headed into the lounge the get her hair done. She smiled as she greeted her bridesmaids one by one and took the glass of bucks fizz her father had prepared. Suddenly she felt more at ease, everything was going to be OK, she just needed to enjoy herself. After all isn’t this supposed to be the happiest day of her life?
Within an hour they were all ready and Josie was being helped into her dress by three bridesmaids and her mother. She had no idea how she would use the toilet or how she’d ever get out of it again but as she turned to look in the mirror, for the first time in a long time, she felt beautiful.
As she walked downstairs she was greeted by the photographer who ushered them outside for photographs. The whole family, bridesmaids and even a hairdresser and make up artist filled the front garden as people fussed and moved around and photographs were taken. After around 10 attempts to remove the family dog they eventually gave in and all laughed as he settled himself down for the family photograph.
At that moment an ear piercing scream ran out through the house and into the garden. “What on Earth?” Josie’s mother turned almost white as she ran towards the house, followed quickly by the entire entourage.
There in the kitchen stood the two caterers. And in the corner, by the open back door, covered in white fondant icing was Julie, the little grey donkey.
It took a moment for the reality of the situation to settle in but when it did Josie’s mother let out a cry that was most likely audible from space. Her father attempted not to laugh and Josie just stood there, completely speechless as she watched her donkey munch away on what had been her wedding cake, box and all.
“What are we going to do?!?!?” Josie’s mother screamed “Well don’t just stand there David, get this awful creature out of the house, I don’t even understand how she managed to get out of her field, o what are we going to do what are we going to do?” She hung her head in her hands and groaned silently to herself.
Knowing better than to delay Josie’s father ushered the donkey back through the front door and with a dog lead around her neck led her back into the field to join her herd.
Josie continued to stare. She wasn’t quite sure whether she wanted to cry or laugh, the whole seen was like something out of a school food fight. White buttercream covered the kitchen and bits of fondant flowers mixed with sponge and cardboard lay about on the floor.
“Right” said Josie’s mother pulling herself together “we will find a cake, don’t you worry love, we’ll get it all sorted, make sure to not mess your make up, it’s nearly time to go to the church, you must be so excited” she pushed a hair off Josie’s face and headed off armed with a laptop and the house phone.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get this cleaned up” the caterers smiled as they started to try and clean up the scene of destruction before them. If needs be we can probably source a cake locally, it won’t be the same but at least it will be something. Josie continued to stare, not really sure what to think.
Before long it was time to head to the church and Josie forgot all about the destruction in her kitchen, or the ruined cake as she said her vows. Outside the church she beamed with happiness as the photographer snapped images of her and the family.
As they walked up to the wedding cars she felt her mother grab her arm “don’t’ worry love, it’s all sorted, your uncle Steve is going down to Waitrose now to get a new cake”. It took Josie a moment to remember what had happened, she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realised she’d have to explain to Patrick how the several hundred pounds worth of wedding cake they had carefully chosen and designed had been destroyed in mere minutes by her pet donkey. Not the best start to a marriage.
As they drove back to the house the anxiety grew as she tried to figure out how she was going to break the news. Surely he would see the funny side? Her father after all had found it hilarious, maybe Patrick would too? Maybe she should just make out like it was a joke, “hey Patrick you’ll never guess what happened this morning, it was hilarious, Julie ate the wedding cake!”. In her head she pictured his face, moving from anger to disappointment to pain. She couldn’t picture him finding this very funny at all. She sunk into the chair.
“What’s up love?” Patrick said as he turned to her, “are you OK?” his face turned to concern as he held her hand, “not having regrets already are we?” he laughed.
“Something awful happened before we left” she said as she suddenly burst into tears “Julie, Julie ate the wedding cake” she wailed in the back of the car, causing the driver to check his rear view mirror to make sure all was OK.
“Whose Julie?, is she one of your cousins?” Patrick said confused.
“No, Julie, the donkey!” Josie wailed back.
Patrick took a moment to allow the news to sink it and then out of nowhere he burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny” Josie cried “she’s ruined everything”
Patrick smiled and put his arm around her, “I know the cake was important to you and I know you wanted everything to be perfect, but this day is about us, being married and as long as we have that then I don’t care if we have a half eaten cake or a full one”
As they pulled up to the house Josie wasn’t really feeling much better about the situation. At the same time she saw her uncle Steve’s car pull into the drive and watched him leap out, triumphant with several large Waitrose shopping bags.
“There she is, the beautiful bride” Josie’s mum beamed, “let’s get you a drink, Champagne? Of course Champagne it is your wedding day” she beamed at Josie as she thrust a glass into her hand before bustling off to usher guests and welcome people whom Josie was pretty sure she had never met.
At that point Steve stepped out of the house with a broad grin across his face. “Ladies and gentleman” he announced with a proud and victorious voice “I present to you, the wedding cake”. Josie felt her heart do a 360 degree turn inside her chest, she thought she would faint, what would people think, what had he bought, she felt like she wanted the whole ground to eat her up.
And then she watched, as the caterer wheeled out on a trolley a long brown cake. It took her a moment to realise what it was and when she did she burst out laughing. She could barely stand she laughed so much. Presented in front of her were four caterpillar cakes, with their ends removed to make one long cake, surrounded by butterfly cakes and sugar flowers. The whole thing looked slightly magical and slightly comical at the same time.
Within moments waves of laughter rippled around the stunned crowd as everyone realised what had happened. Josie and Patrick walked up and proudly cut their caterpillar cake before happily eating a slice. It may have been an unusual choice but it was the best choice. After all what could have summed up her personality more than a child’s birthday cake?
Despite her uncle’s last minute saving of the situation Josie was still not particularly happy with Julie when she went out to the paddock in the afternoon sun to say goodbye before they headed off on honeymoon. And as she pulled the gate shut behind her she turned to say one last goodbye and watched, as slowly but surely, it rolled out of its lock and opened. She burst out laughing, properly securing it and winking at the innocent looking donkey who had nearly ruined her wedding.

Julie developed a bit of a taste for cake it appears!