BMECS and NAN are what are known as 'qualifier shows'. What this means it that for your horse to be shown there they have to qualify and earn either a BMECS or NAN card.
BMECS is run in the UK (British Model Equine Championship Show) every year in September. It is usually held in Leicestershire. The show is open to all horses or entries that have earned valid BMECS or NAN tickets for that year. BMECS tickets last for 3 years and can be earned at qualifying shows throughout the UK and Europe.
NAN is run in the USA (North American Nationals) every year, it changes in date and location. The show is open to all horses or entries that have earned valid NAN or BMECS cards for that year. NAN tickets also last for 3 years and can be earned at qualifying shows in North America.
BMECS is run in the UK (British Model Equine Championship Show) every year in September. It is usually held in Leicestershire. The show is open to all horses or entries that have earned valid BMECS or NAN tickets for that year. BMECS tickets last for 3 years and can be earned at qualifying shows throughout the UK and Europe.
NAN is run in the USA (North American Nationals) every year, it changes in date and location. The show is open to all horses or entries that have earned valid NAN or BMECS cards for that year. NAN tickets also last for 3 years and can be earned at qualifying shows in North America.

Here you can see the 2nd place horse has earned a BMECS card
Getting a BMECS Card
BMECS cards can be earned at qualifying shows throughout the UK and Europe.
To win a card your horse must first be entering a qualifier class (some classes such as mare and foal aren't qualifiers).
You will then need to place either 1st or 2nd. If you do so you will receive either a green (in hand), yellow (performance) or blue (workmanship) card. These cards are valid for 3 years (what years will be indicated on the card). The card must be signed by the judge to be valid.
You will then need to write down your results. These results must be submitted to BMECS within 60 days or the card is not valid. It is up to the show holder to submit results but up to the shower to ensure they are accurate.
You can also purchase horses that are already qualified. They should come with their tickets. On the back you simply fill in your own name as the name of the new owner. You will need to keep the same name when you show the horse at BMECS but, of course, you can qualify the horse again under a different name.
On the front of the card you will need to fill in various details. These should be accurate and clearly written. This is what will be presented to the judge at BMECS so make sure you use neat handwriting! On the back you put your horse's name and your name. This should match the submitted results.
To win a card your horse must first be entering a qualifier class (some classes such as mare and foal aren't qualifiers).
You will then need to place either 1st or 2nd. If you do so you will receive either a green (in hand), yellow (performance) or blue (workmanship) card. These cards are valid for 3 years (what years will be indicated on the card). The card must be signed by the judge to be valid.
You will then need to write down your results. These results must be submitted to BMECS within 60 days or the card is not valid. It is up to the show holder to submit results but up to the shower to ensure they are accurate.
You can also purchase horses that are already qualified. They should come with their tickets. On the back you simply fill in your own name as the name of the new owner. You will need to keep the same name when you show the horse at BMECS but, of course, you can qualify the horse again under a different name.
On the front of the card you will need to fill in various details. These should be accurate and clearly written. This is what will be presented to the judge at BMECS so make sure you use neat handwriting! On the back you put your horse's name and your name. This should match the submitted results.

It's important to fill in the details on your BMECS card clearly and accurately
The BMECS Show
BMECS is held every year in Leicestershire during late September/early October.
It is held over two days and is a wonderful chance to meet up with other hobbyists and have a bit of a party. For the last few years the Days Inn at Leicester Forest East has been descended upon by hobbyists (one does feel rather sorry for the normal patrons) ready to get absolutely no sleep and then spend the next day on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
In order to show your horses at BMECS you will need to submit a form in around July/August. This will include the names and details of all the horses you are showing as well as your own details. You will then need to send off the tickets for each entry and pay your entry fees. Once submitted the team will work out a class list for the show, it is worked so that classes are even with not too many entries and not too few that they won't be competitive.
Shortly before the show you will receive a list of your entries and their classes. You can then get packed and get ready for the show! You will of course want your horses to be looking their best so make sure to dust and check them all over for damage prior to the show.
There is also usually a lot of shopping and a good size raffle so save up your money! Make sure to bring a long a nice raffle prize as well (or two if you are attending on both days). There is also usually lots of fun and games so make sure to have a bit of fun and maybe even invent your own games for the weekend.
When showing you will need to place your horses in the ring just like any other live show. The difference is that you will need to place each horse behind the relevant ticket. When your entry is done you turn over your ticket ready for judging. At the end of the judging the stewards will collect all the tickets so that results can be written up.
1st place horses will move forward into smaller group championships. Horses that win group winner rosettes in these will then move forward into the Section Championships. In these a Section Champion, Reserve Champion and Reserve to Reserve Champion is awarded along with 7 Top 10s. Supremes are no longer awarded at BMECS.
More information about BMECS can be found on their website here:
It is held over two days and is a wonderful chance to meet up with other hobbyists and have a bit of a party. For the last few years the Days Inn at Leicester Forest East has been descended upon by hobbyists (one does feel rather sorry for the normal patrons) ready to get absolutely no sleep and then spend the next day on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
In order to show your horses at BMECS you will need to submit a form in around July/August. This will include the names and details of all the horses you are showing as well as your own details. You will then need to send off the tickets for each entry and pay your entry fees. Once submitted the team will work out a class list for the show, it is worked so that classes are even with not too many entries and not too few that they won't be competitive.
Shortly before the show you will receive a list of your entries and their classes. You can then get packed and get ready for the show! You will of course want your horses to be looking their best so make sure to dust and check them all over for damage prior to the show.
There is also usually a lot of shopping and a good size raffle so save up your money! Make sure to bring a long a nice raffle prize as well (or two if you are attending on both days). There is also usually lots of fun and games so make sure to have a bit of fun and maybe even invent your own games for the weekend.
When showing you will need to place your horses in the ring just like any other live show. The difference is that you will need to place each horse behind the relevant ticket. When your entry is done you turn over your ticket ready for judging. At the end of the judging the stewards will collect all the tickets so that results can be written up.
1st place horses will move forward into smaller group championships. Horses that win group winner rosettes in these will then move forward into the Section Championships. In these a Section Champion, Reserve Champion and Reserve to Reserve Champion is awarded along with 7 Top 10s. Supremes are no longer awarded at BMECS.
More information about BMECS can be found on their website here: