Western Breastplate
This tutorial was written in 2017 and will show you how to create a simple Western breastplate for your model horses.
The tutorial is designed for Traditional scale models but can easily be adapted to fit other scales. We recommend you try it out for Traditional scale first and then work on adapting it to other scales. You can also adapt it to add your own decoration, tooling and different shapes for a more decorative finish. The approximate cost is based on you purchasing all the supplies and tools needed for this project.
Difficulty Level: Easy
Approximate Cost: £14.50
Safety warning: This tutorial involves the use of sharp blades, knives and scissors. If you are under 18 years old please get an adult to help you and always use appropriate safety protection.
The tutorial is designed for Traditional scale models but can easily be adapted to fit other scales. We recommend you try it out for Traditional scale first and then work on adapting it to other scales. You can also adapt it to add your own decoration, tooling and different shapes for a more decorative finish. The approximate cost is based on you purchasing all the supplies and tools needed for this project.
Difficulty Level: Easy
Approximate Cost: £14.50
Safety warning: This tutorial involves the use of sharp blades, knives and scissors. If you are under 18 years old please get an adult to help you and always use appropriate safety protection.
Shopping List
Tooling Leather
Leather Lace
9mm Jump Ring
3x 6mm Jump Rings
2x 4mm Jump Rings
3x 1/16" Buckles
Sharp Knife (Xacto blades are perfect)
Clamp/Bull Dog Clips
Needle Nose Pliers
Wire Cutters
Tooling Leather
Leather Lace
9mm Jump Ring
3x 6mm Jump Rings
2x 4mm Jump Rings
3x 1/16" Buckles
Sharp Knife (Xacto blades are perfect)
Clamp/Bull Dog Clips
Needle Nose Pliers
Wire Cutters
Creating the Breastplate

Step 1
Cut two rectangles of leather approximately 7cm x 1.5cm.
Cut tabs at either end of the rectangles that are around 1cm in length.
Use a sharp knife to skive the leather off the back of the tabs.
Cut two rectangles of leather approximately 7cm x 1.5cm.
Cut tabs at either end of the rectangles that are around 1cm in length.
Use a sharp knife to skive the leather off the back of the tabs.

Step 2
Wrap the tab on one end of the first piece of leather around the 9mm jump ring and glue down.
Repeat with the other piece of leather.
Now attach the 6mm jump rings to each tab on the other ends of the pieces of leather.
This should form a 'V' shape.
Use a clamp or bull dog clip to hold the tabs down whilst the glue is setting.
Wrap the tab on one end of the first piece of leather around the 9mm jump ring and glue down.
Repeat with the other piece of leather.
Now attach the 6mm jump rings to each tab on the other ends of the pieces of leather.
This should form a 'V' shape.
Use a clamp or bull dog clip to hold the tabs down whilst the glue is setting.

Step 3
Cut 8.5cm of 1/8" leather lace and skive both ends.
Glue one end to the bottom of the large jump ring.
Use needlenose pliers to open up a 6mm jump ring and attach a hook. Then close it back up.
Glue this jump ring onto the other end of the leather lace.
Cut 8.5cm of 1/8" leather lace and skive both ends.
Glue one end to the bottom of the large jump ring.
Use needlenose pliers to open up a 6mm jump ring and attach a hook. Then close it back up.
Glue this jump ring onto the other end of the leather lace.

Step 4
Cut 9cm of 1/8" leather lace and split in half length ways.
Glue a 1/16" buckle to one end of the each of the strips.
Cut 9cm of 1/8" leather lace and split in half length ways.
Glue a 1/16" buckle to one end of the each of the strips.

Step 5
Take the first of the straps made in step 4 and thread a 4mm jump ring onto it.
With the buckle facing upwards pass the strap through the medium jump ring from Step 2 and then back through the small jump ring.
Repeat for the second strap.
Take the first of the straps made in step 4 and thread a 4mm jump ring onto it.
With the buckle facing upwards pass the strap through the medium jump ring from Step 2 and then back through the small jump ring.
Repeat for the second strap.

Step 6
Your basic breastplate is now complete.
Using the straps as a guide cut two pieces of felt the same size as the large leather straps. Then glue these to the other side. These will give a soft finish against your model (use a neutral colour like white or black that won't stain the model horse).
Your basic breastplate is now complete.
Using the straps as a guide cut two pieces of felt the same size as the large leather straps. Then glue these to the other side. These will give a soft finish against your model (use a neutral colour like white or black that won't stain the model horse).
Finishing Your Piece
Once done you can decorate your breastplate with tooling, decorative plates and gems.
We would love to see some pictures if your completed pieces to feature in our gallery. Please email them to catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk and we will feature them below.
We would love to see some pictures if your completed pieces to feature in our gallery. Please email them to catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk and we will feature them below.