Everything Else
In an ideal world I would have a page for every single model horse ever produced, but let's be realistic about it, I cannot do that! For that reason I have included a large number of brands here on the 'everything else' page. This does not mean these brands are any less important, or that they should be neglected by collectors or enthusiasts, in fact on this page you will find some brands that I love passionately. It is simply that when writing this website I wrote down a list and then everything I forgot initially got grouped together on this page!
Is something missing? If you want your brand or a brand you love featured on this page please just drop us an email at catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk Our website is always taking submissions of any shape or form, so please get in touch if you have suggestions to make or would like to contribute.
Is something missing? If you want your brand or a brand you love featured on this page please just drop us an email at catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk Our website is always taking submissions of any shape or form, so please get in touch if you have suggestions to make or would like to contribute.
Border Fine Arts
Border Fine Arts was a Scottish company set up in the 1970s. They specialised in producing realistic country scenes and miniatures. These commercial resin models featured lots of British wildlife including a large selection of horses.
Border Fine Arts closed in 2016 but their pieces can still be found for sale online and in shops around the UK. They can also be found on the second hand market both online and at auction houses.
Border Fine Arts closed in 2016 but their pieces can still be found for sale online and in shops around the UK. They can also be found on the second hand market both online and at auction houses.

A Border Fine Arts Hackney
Bullyland is a German brand featuring solid plastic horses and other animals. They have a large variety of ranges including the Paddock range featuring horses. They also have a variety of licensed ranges both from literature and film including Disney figures.
Bullyland models can be purchased online and can occasionally be found in stores. Their range is less common than similar brands but second hand models do appear both online and in person at events such as live shows.
Bullyland models can be purchased online and can occasionally be found in stores. Their range is less common than similar brands but second hand models do appear both online and in person at events such as live shows.

#80857 Sulky Set
Cheval is a South African brand of model horses that started production in the 1980s. As well as ceramic horses they also produce a range of other animals including cattle.
Cheval horses are ceramic and are sold as individual pieces some with a base.
Cheval horses can be purchased online either from South Africa or through importers. They are also often for sale from private sellers within the model horse community in the UK both online and at live shows. They can also be found for sale at auctions including on eBay.
Do you have a picture of a Cheval model horse we could feature here? If so please email catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk
Cheval horses are ceramic and are sold as individual pieces some with a base.
Cheval horses can be purchased online either from South Africa or through importers. They are also often for sale from private sellers within the model horse community in the UK both online and at live shows. They can also be found for sale at auctions including on eBay.
Do you have a picture of a Cheval model horse we could feature here? If so please email catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk
Grand Champion
Grand Champions are a brand of hollow plastic model horses with synthetic manes and tails. They were produced throughout the 1990s and 2000s and although the brand still exists they haven't been in production since 2007.
These models were sold either individually or as part of gift sets. As well as the horses there is a wide range of accessories including tack, riders and stables.
Grand Champion horses can be found regularly on the second hand market. They are not an uncommon find at car boot sales or in charity shops, often in played with condition. Better condition ones can be found for sale through online auction sites such as eBay or from other collectors both online and at live shows.
These models were sold either individually or as part of gift sets. As well as the horses there is a wide range of accessories including tack, riders and stables.
Grand Champion horses can be found regularly on the second hand market. They are not an uncommon find at car boot sales or in charity shops, often in played with condition. Better condition ones can be found for sale through online auction sites such as eBay or from other collectors both online and at live shows.

#26037 Gyspy Vanner Foal
Hartland was a company formed in the 1940s to produce injection moulded plastic pieces. In the 1950s they were commissioned to produce a plastic horse to adorn a clock and the Western Horse was born. They stopped producing the clock horses and then in the 1960s started to sell the model as an individual piece. Since then they have produced a variety of different moulds in a variation of colours.
In the late 1980s a range called Hartland Collectables were produced by Paola Groeber. These models were highly detailed and painted in a variety of rich colours.
Hartland models have been produced on and off until around 2007. The models can be found for sale through online auction sites such as eBay or private sellers online and at live shows. They are less common in the UK and can be harder to find in good condition.
In the late 1980s a range called Hartland Collectables were produced by Paola Groeber. These models were highly detailed and painted in a variety of rich colours.
Hartland models have been produced on and off until around 2007. The models can be found for sale through online auction sites such as eBay or private sellers online and at live shows. They are less common in the UK and can be harder to find in good condition.

Morgan Mare in Chestnut
Isis model horses were a range of rubber models with real hair mane and tails produced in the 1960s. The models were sculpted by Margaret Hughes Hartmann and featured a selection of horses as well as other accessories such as riders and tack. They even introduced a card game!
Isis models are very rare and hard to get hold of. The families own collection was destroyed in a house fire and only those owned by customers and collectors. Like similar brands of latex horses they suffer from degrading of the latex giving them a much shorter life than say, a plastic, model horses.
That said they do occasionally appear for sale on auction sites such as eBay or from private sellers online or at live shows. Patience is the key if you want to add one to your collection.
Isis models are very rare and hard to get hold of. The families own collection was destroyed in a house fire and only those owned by customers and collectors. Like similar brands of latex horses they suffer from degrading of the latex giving them a much shorter life than say, a plastic, model horses.
That said they do occasionally appear for sale on auction sites such as eBay or from private sellers online or at live shows. Patience is the key if you want to add one to your collection.

Isis Model and Rider - Photograph by Lynne Mulcock
Laurel Design
Laurel Designs was started in the late 1970s and produce a selection of solid plush horses and ponies including hobby horses. They also produce a selection of other items including cushions and model horse backdrops. Each piece is hand made.
Laurel Design horses can be purchased direct here: https://www.laureldesigns.co.uk
They can also be found for sale at country shows and fairs throughout the UK. They do also occasionally appear for sale from private sellers both online and at live shows.
Laurel Design horses can be purchased direct here: https://www.laureldesigns.co.uk
They can also be found for sale at country shows and fairs throughout the UK. They do also occasionally appear for sale from private sellers both online and at live shows.

A pinto Shetland
Mojo (or Mojo Fun) is a modern brand of models started in 2009. They produce solid plastic figures of a variety of different animals including a range of horses. The range is sold in two sizes, the standard 1:18 scale (Paddock Pal) and the minis range.
Mojo recently started working with Anna Dobrowolska-Oczko of Horse and Bird to produce both equines and non-equines as part of the Mojo range.
Mojo models can be purchased online and are available in some stores. They can be found on the second hand market both online and from sellers at live shows.
Do you have a picture of a Mojo model horse we could use below? If so submit it catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk
Mojo recently started working with Anna Dobrowolska-Oczko of Horse and Bird to produce both equines and non-equines as part of the Mojo range.
Mojo models can be purchased online and are available in some stores. They can be found on the second hand market both online and from sellers at live shows.
Do you have a picture of a Mojo model horse we could use below? If so submit it catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk

A custom painted Mojo Pegasus
Montague Arthur/Edith Reynolds
Edith Reynolds started producing model horses in the late 1940s. These models were made of real skin (usually calf or leather) and stuffed with rubber. As well as the horses there was also a range of riders and accessories.
In the 1970s and 80s these models were sold under the Montague Arthur brand. These models were almost identical to the originals with the exception of the label on the belly.
Both Edith Reynolds and Montague Arthur models do appear for sale on the second hand market both through online auctions and at auction houses. They can also be found for sale through private sellers at live shows or on online sale sites.
In the 1970s and 80s these models were sold under the Montague Arthur brand. These models were almost identical to the originals with the exception of the label on the belly.
Both Edith Reynolds and Montague Arthur models do appear for sale on the second hand market both through online auctions and at auction houses. They can also be found for sale through private sellers at live shows or on online sale sites.

A Montague Arthur horse
My Beautiful Horse/I Love Ponies
My Beautiful Horses were a brand of plastic horses with synthetic manes and tails produced in the 1990s. They were later produced under the brand name I Love Ponies and also as part of the Animal Hospital series.
The models were produced and sold either in gift sets or with a monthly magazine (like the horses the magazine was originally produced under the name My Beautiful Horses and later I Love Ponies). There were also a large range of accessories produced including stables, tack and riders.
To the best of my knowledge I Love Ponies magazine no longer exists (please correct me if I'm wrong on this) and the models are no longer produced. They are, however, very common on the second hand market and can be found online on sites such as eBay as well as in person. They can often be found for sale in charity shops and at car boot sales. The older My Beautiful Horses are less common than the more modern I Love Ponies range.
The models were produced and sold either in gift sets or with a monthly magazine (like the horses the magazine was originally produced under the name My Beautiful Horses and later I Love Ponies). There were also a large range of accessories produced including stables, tack and riders.
To the best of my knowledge I Love Ponies magazine no longer exists (please correct me if I'm wrong on this) and the models are no longer produced. They are, however, very common on the second hand market and can be found online on sites such as eBay as well as in person. They can often be found for sale in charity shops and at car boot sales. The older My Beautiful Horses are less common than the more modern I Love Ponies range.

A grey My Beautiful Horse
My Little Pony
My Little Ponies is a franchise created in the 1980s originally as a range of toys. It is now one of the largest and most valuable toy brands on the market. The models feature colourful coats, synthetic manes and tails and the characteristic 'cutey mark' on their quarters. They were sold both individually and in sets.
My Little Ponies are known by the different generations, starting off with G1 and ending with G4 which is the current range. Introduced in 2010 the new Friendship is Magic series has proved incredibly popular with a huge amount of varying merchandise being produced. Each series of My Little Ponies has featured a different body style.
The modern range of G4 products can be purchased in some form or another from nearly every retailer around the world. Older products can be found for sale online through sale sites such as eBay and from private sellers at car boot sales or live shows.
Note - there is a huge separate hobby around My Little Ponies featuring large conventions and even competitions and shows for custom ponies, many model horses collectors are a part of both communities.
My Little Ponies are known by the different generations, starting off with G1 and ending with G4 which is the current range. Introduced in 2010 the new Friendship is Magic series has proved incredibly popular with a huge amount of varying merchandise being produced. Each series of My Little Ponies has featured a different body style.
The modern range of G4 products can be purchased in some form or another from nearly every retailer around the world. Older products can be found for sale online through sale sites such as eBay and from private sellers at car boot sales or live shows.
Note - there is a huge separate hobby around My Little Ponies featuring large conventions and even competitions and shows for custom ponies, many model horses collectors are a part of both communities.

Sunglider - part of the Windy Wing Ponies range
Nature Craft
Nature Craft is a British brand of models produced from the 1930s onwards. As well as horses they produce a large range of both domestic and wild animals, all in resin. Nature Craft models were later produced in china under the Best of Breed brand. To the best of my knowledge these models are no longer produced.
The horses were sold as individual sculptures often on a base. Some of the Best of Breed items also came with a fence.
These models can be found for sale on the second hand market both online and in person. They do appear at auctions and can often be found for sale by private sellers online and at shows.
The horses were sold as individual sculptures often on a base. Some of the Best of Breed items also came with a fence.
These models can be found for sale on the second hand market both online and in person. They do appear at auctions and can often be found for sale by private sellers online and at shows.

Best of Breed - Jenny
Northlight were a brand of model horses and other animals produced in a mixture of ceramic and resin. They started production in the 1970s and continued until their then owner, Wade, ceased production in 2009. The later models were sold under the name Northlight @ Wade.
Wade is a ceramics company that has been in existence since the 1800s. In 2005 they purchased Northlight. Under their own brand they created the Wade Whimsies, small china animal collectables including horses.
Neither the Northlight or Wade Whimsies are currently produced. However, they can be found on the second hand market and are often found at auctions, including online on sites such as eBay. The Northlight items are notoriously fragile and can be hard to find in good condition. They can also be found for sale from private sellers and very rarely you do still see them in retail stores that have old stock.
Wade is a ceramics company that has been in existence since the 1800s. In 2005 they purchased Northlight. Under their own brand they created the Wade Whimsies, small china animal collectables including horses.
Neither the Northlight or Wade Whimsies are currently produced. However, they can be found on the second hand market and are often found at auctions, including online on sites such as eBay. The Northlight items are notoriously fragile and can be hard to find in good condition. They can also be found for sale from private sellers and very rarely you do still see them in retail stores that have old stock.

P1152 Broodmare & Foal (Broodmare)
Papo is a French brand of toys started in the 1990s. They produce solid plastic toys across a variety of ranges including horses.
Papo's products are split into a variety of different ranges and feature individual animals as well as boxed sets and accessories. They have a large range of horses as well as various accessories such as riders and fixed tack models. They also do an extensive fantasy range.
Papo models can be purchased online and at most toy shops. They can also be found for sale second hand both through online sites such as eBay and commonly in charity shops, car boot sales and at live shows.
Papo's products are split into a variety of different ranges and feature individual animals as well as boxed sets and accessories. They have a large range of horses as well as various accessories such as riders and fixed tack models. They also do an extensive fantasy range.
Papo models can be purchased online and at most toy shops. They can also be found for sale second hand both through online sites such as eBay and commonly in charity shops, car boot sales and at live shows.

#51053 Arabian Stallion
Royal Doulton
Royal Doulton is a British ceramics company which started production in the 1800s. As well as a large range of ceramics they also produced a selection of figurines including individual horses from the 1940s onwards.
In the late 1960s Royal Doulton purchased Beswick, this obviously created a vast increase in the number of horse products produced. These were still produced under the Beswick brand.
Royal Doulton do not currently produce any horse models but they can be found on the second hand market. A distinction should be made between pieces produced prior to the acquisition of Beswick and those Beswicks produce after Royal Doulton took ownership.
Do you have a picture of a Royal Doulton horse we could feature here? If so please email catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk
In the late 1960s Royal Doulton purchased Beswick, this obviously created a vast increase in the number of horse products produced. These were still produced under the Beswick brand.
Royal Doulton do not currently produce any horse models but they can be found on the second hand market. A distinction should be made between pieces produced prior to the acquisition of Beswick and those Beswicks produce after Royal Doulton took ownership.
Do you have a picture of a Royal Doulton horse we could feature here? If so please email catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk
Royal Worcester
Royal Worcester is a ceramics company that has been in production since the 1700s (original as Worcester Porcelain). Although the company still exists today it is no longer produced in Worcester (a fun fact is that I went to school opposite the Royal Worcester factory) and the focus now is on tableware rather than figurines.
In the 1900s they introduced a range of horses sold both as individual horses or pieces featuring a particular scene. Pieces were often sold on a fixed base.
Royal Worcester horses can be found for sale both at auctions and online. They are also occasionally sold by private sellers within the model horse community, both online and at live shows.
Do you have a picture of a Royal Worcester horse we could feature here? If so please email catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk
In the 1900s they introduced a range of horses sold both as individual horses or pieces featuring a particular scene. Pieces were often sold on a fixed base.
Royal Worcester horses can be found for sale both at auctions and online. They are also occasionally sold by private sellers within the model horse community, both online and at live shows.
Do you have a picture of a Royal Worcester horse we could feature here? If so please email catriona@chestnutridge.co.uk
Safari are a brand of solid plastic models from Germany. Started in the 1980s they produce a large range of figures including a range of horses.
Safari horses come in four sizes: the good luck minis (which are tiny), the toob horses (about the same size as Mini Whinnies), the standard range which are around Paddock Pal scale and the Blue Ribbon range which are around Classic scale. The moulds are often the same throughout the different size ranges.
Safari can be purchased in some stores but are easier to find for sale online. They do appear on the second hand market in all scales, the Paddock Pal scale can frequently be found second hand from private sellers.
Safari horses come in four sizes: the good luck minis (which are tiny), the toob horses (about the same size as Mini Whinnies), the standard range which are around Paddock Pal scale and the Blue Ribbon range which are around Classic scale. The moulds are often the same throughout the different size ranges.
Safari can be purchased in some stores but are easier to find for sale online. They do appear on the second hand market in all scales, the Paddock Pal scale can frequently be found second hand from private sellers.

Blue Ribbon Clydesdale
Shadow Ponies
Shadow Ponies were created during the 1980s by Cyndy Robertshaw. They are handmade ponies made from wool across a wire frame. The ponies are are between Paddock Pal and Classic scale depending on what breed you assign to them!
As well as a selection of colourful ponies there were also a variety of different accessories including tack and riders.
Shadow Ponies can be hard to find but they do occasionally appear on the second hand market. The best places to look are online specialist model horse sales groups, eBay and from private sellers at live shows.
As well as a selection of colourful ponies there were also a variety of different accessories including tack and riders.
Shadow Ponies can be hard to find but they do occasionally appear on the second hand market. The best places to look are online specialist model horse sales groups, eBay and from private sellers at live shows.

A palomino Shadow Pony
Trail of the Painted Ponies
The Trail of the Painted Ponies started as a public art project in the USA. Artists were invited to paint life size horse which were then displayed in public spaces. At the end of the project the horses were sold off to raise money for charity. Shortly after the brand was created.
The figures are designed by various artists and feature unusual and creative patterns. They come in two sizes, the standard classic scale and the smaller ornaments which are around Stablemate scale. They are produced in either resin or ceramic.
Trail of the Painted Ponies can be purchased direct from their website in the USA here: shop.trailofpaintedponies.com/
They can also be found at dealers throughout the world both online and in stores. There are usually a large number available on the second hand market through online auction sites such as eBay.
The figures are designed by various artists and feature unusual and creative patterns. They come in two sizes, the standard classic scale and the smaller ornaments which are around Stablemate scale. They are produced in either resin or ceramic.
Trail of the Painted Ponies can be purchased direct from their website in the USA here: shop.trailofpaintedponies.com/
They can also be found at dealers throughout the world both online and in stores. There are usually a large number available on the second hand market through online auction sites such as eBay.

#4026392 Stormrider
Winner's Choice
Creata Winner's Choice are an American brand of model horses produced for a short period in the mid-late 1990s. The models are Mini Whinnie scale and were sculpted by Candice Liddy.
The models were sold in sets with different colourways available to different retailers. They were only produced for three years. In the mid-2000s the moulds were sold to Breyer and became the Mini Whinnie range.
Winner's Choice models can occasionally be found on the second hand market. They can be distinguished from Breyer Mini Whinnies as the Mini Whinnies have a 'Breyer' stamp on the belly.
The models were sold in sets with different colourways available to different retailers. They were only produced for three years. In the mid-2000s the moulds were sold to Breyer and became the Mini Whinnie range.
Winner's Choice models can occasionally be found on the second hand market. They can be distinguished from Breyer Mini Whinnies as the Mini Whinnies have a 'Breyer' stamp on the belly.

Series 1 - Thoroughbred Set - Jumping Warmblood